
The Drexel Physics Graduate Student Association (PGSA) is an academic and social group of physics graduate students at Drexel University.

As a group, PGSA invites discussions on a variety physics disciplines, even (and most especially) including those areas that would normally lie outside our own specialties. Moreover, we discuss topics as varied as getting a job after graduation, how to write grants, and many other miscellaneous but useful topics.

Every other week, schedules permitting, we gather in Disque Hall for a lunch talk by one of our members on a subject of interest. These talks take a wide variety of forms, including introductions to personal hobbies, invited talks from Drexel organizations, and practice talks for conferences. Of course, a free lunch is provided, so there’s no reason not to stop by!*

Once a year, PGSA heads off into the woods for a retreat to kick off the school year in style! We come together to celebrate students finishing their written qualifying exams and to welcome the incoming class. It is a great place to engage with your fellow students, and spend some time away from research and teaching obligations!


*In the interest of full disclosure, in order to encourage people to give talks on a variety of subjects in an open atmosphere, we do discourage faculty attendance at these meetings. Faculty are encouraged to contact us ahead of time if they need to attend.*

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